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Nazioaren hondarrak: autokritika bat

Juanjo Olasagarre 2008/12/17 10:00
Aspaldidanik ez genuen (publikoki) egiten irakurri gabeko liburu baten kritikarik; ez zen izango ez zegoelako zer kritikatu eta batez ere zer ez irakurri asko. Hutsunea betetzearren, hona gatoz Juanjo Olasagarrek Joseba Gabilondo irakaslearen artikuluetako estiloan burututako Joseba Gabilondo beraren libururaren kritikarekin.
Nazioaren hondarrak








Nazioaren hondarrak: euskal literatura garaikidearen historia postnazional baterako hastapenak

Joseba Gabilondo

(Joseba Gabilondo's way)


In order to emphasize the importance of the crisis of the state and the serious repercussions of not thinking such a crisis in its historical complexity, Joseba Gabilondo, in his book, rethinks the problems of sovereignty and imperialism in an era when every power is biopolitical as much as geopolitical.

This book elaborates the theory that the psychological apparatus underlying Basque  literature relies pecisely on a very specific and historical form of political interpellation and enjoyment: masculine hysteria and female castration.

In his analysis of the relationship between masculine hysteria and female castration, Gabilondo engages many authors and cultural practitioners with whom he is familiar:  Freud, Zizek, Lacan, Fanon, Bordieu, Deleuze, Butler, Agamben, Gabilondo himself, Sara Montiel, Marujita Diaz and so on, plus, of course, all the Basque folk. Gabilondo`s attempt to rethink biopolitics in geopolitical terms demostrates that Basque political and cultural life relies on a form of fetishism centered on Sabino Arana´s deprived phallus, which is symbolized by the famous Gernikako Arbola (the Oak of Guernica).

In short, Gabilondo attemps to capture the core structure that defines all Basque literature in the following thesis: homoerotism is the founding moment of the Basque country as a nation, which underlies the masculine hysteria and femenine castration that shape Basque literature.

So, hurra for postfreudian, postnational, postqueer, postbasque homosexuality!

George Specialcorn
George Specialcorn dio:
2008/12/18 18:22

Sorry Mr. Olasagarre, but I've discovered that you were trying to tell us a lie. I was convinced that "Irakurri gabeko liburuen kritikak" was a section focused on the criticism of books that you've never read. And, even if my comprehension of basque language is very limited, and so, I can be wrong, I understood that you read J. Gabilondo's essay this very summer. Moreover, you talked about it on a famous newsmagazine. Don't you believe it? Look:

So, Mr. Olasagarre, as far as I can see, there are two options: 1) you were too lazy to write a long, serious and interesting review of that book, so you prefered to say that you didn't read it; or 2) you actually didn't read the book, but prefered to say you did it, in order to appear as an interesting, cultured and handsome writer for Argia's readers.

Anyway, hurra!

Michael Hernandoson Abaitua
Michael Hernandoson Abaitua dio:
2008/12/20 00:17

Mr. Olasagarre, with all my respect I have to say publicly that you are lying again. The writing is not yours. It was writen by Mr. Joseba Gabilondo himself!!!!! You are not able to write such an intelligent review!!!

patxi lurra
patxi lurra dio:
2008/12/18 13:01

After reading today´s newspaper, and concretely this article written by franciscan Joxe Arregi critizising Vatican's position about homosexuality (not only postfreudian, postnational, postqueer and postbasque one), I propose you Volgan boat people to have a serious encounter (momentuz ez sexuala) with the very respectful and beautiful monks of Arantzazu.

Yours faithfully.

Juanjo Olasagarre
Juanjo Olasagarre dio:
2008/12/19 13:45

Of course, in order to appear as an interesting person, I lie in Argia, Mr George Specialcorn. The members of Volgako Batelariak are as Jehovah's Witnesses. We cannot lie here (but we can do it somewhere else).

Juanjo Olasagarre
Juanjo Olasagarre dio:
2008/12/20 12:54

Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Michael Hernandoson Abaitua. Of course, the writing was written by Joseba Gabilondo himself, who, for his part, is Juanjo Olasagarre himself, who, for his part, is Joseba Gabilondo himself who, sunddenly, have became Sara Montiel, who, for his part, is Joseba Gabilondo himself in a lacanian infinite.

Iruzkina gehitu

Erantzuna formulario hau betez utzi dezakezu. Formatua testu arruntarena da. Web eta e-posta helbideak automatikoki klikagarri agertuko dira.

Galdera: Idatzi zortzi zenbakiak erabiliz

Volgako Batelariak / Бурлаки на Волге

Literatur inoizkari kosakoa / Казацкий литературный журнал

Moñoñotasuna, zurikeria, bertso-kitsch-laritza, biktimismo orokortua, produktu literario paketatua, euskararen kalonjeen (uler bedi: irakurle militanteen) nagusitasuna, plastidekor-idazleak, malditismo faltsuaz mozorrotutakoak, laurogeiko hamarkadaren (eta aurreko ia guztien) nostalgia... horiek guztiak gaitzesten eta gaitzetsiko ditu inoizkari honek, eta  beldurrik gabe salatuko. Akaso ez dira salagarri eta denbora galduko dugu, baina esan bezala, gogoak ematen dizkigu hala egiteko, dibertitu nahi dugu, eta dibertituko gara. Nahiz eta, funtsean,
eta inork sinesten ez gaituen arren, oso jende serioa garen.

Uxue Apaolaza, Rikardo Arregi Diaz de Heredia, Ibon Egaña, Angel Erro, Juanjo Olasagarre eta Iban Zalduak osatzen dugu kontubernio hau. Erantzunak ongi etorriak izango dira (edo ez), baina beti benetako izen-abizenez sinatuta datozen heinean, eta kolaborazioak ere onartuko ditugu.

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