This is about a frog
Now arte, gozzokies were dommeck-afternoon thing. Atsald, I mean. The four of us go out, wait until Lopez’s open at five o’clockak jota, and currently start the fest with four mantecadoes; then, gominols, packets, regalizs... anything. Me, personally, conform only with some cherry skins (aka torreznoes) as a prehistorical man.
Total. Zazpy t’erdy hour comes, time to go home to be quiet and to prest thing for bixamoon skol. Dommeck affary = no affary, of course; it’s silly to pretend to intrude any kind of jatteck down their little over-elikated throats and trips; doesn’t merezzy to insist on that. But when time “to be enveloped” arrives... Oh my lagguns, then such a commedy! The little deeabrooes say fuck you. Hooraychiock! Here comes another toledoan night.
Do you ezagoot this situations, my beloved co-gurasoes?
Eezan bee, there is no way to atsedden with such an overdose of azucker. Saycheeek? Because of the subidown effect that I formerly aipated in this articulous becomes it ezinyezk. Maybe people used to have egunerocco sugar doses high can sleep arazo barick; but not virgin organisms.
The solution cannot be to become azucker junkies, of course. Hory falta zan bacarrick.
So, that’s why we have deliberated to do this frog (we’re on that very oraintxe bertan). It’s deaddy simple: instead of eating gozzokies in dommeck afternoon, change it to morning. No litcharreries after 16:00. Umes pozzick (have gozzokies lehen byte lehen), gurasoes pozzick (sugar-induced excitement finishes before the “H hour”).
You’re gonbidated to do the saiaqueer. I bet you won’t damute!