Ni konforme nago fundamentalista islamikuak egitten dittuezen astokerixak salatzen. Relijiñua ez da mundu honetako gauzak gobernatzeko formia. Ondiok goguan dakat euren jangoikuan karikaturak argitaratu ziraneko eskandalua. Intolerantiak dira guztiz, Erdi Aroko sasoi illunen alderdirik txarrena ekartzen deste.
Oiñ: kristauak be ez dira motz geratzen. Parte hartzen dote foro baten, beste relijiño zalien sinismen batzu kritikau ziran, hamengo jentiandako oso arraruak egitten dirazenak (ikuspuntu katoliko tazitotik, jakiña). Mezu hau bialdu neban, motz eta zorrotz:
“Well I
don't see so many trouble if mormons don't try to impose us their point of
In fact, genealogists often have to deal with strange superstition believers.
For example, some of them firmly think that their God was born from a woman who
had no sexual relations before; even more, they historically have tried to
impose this absurd fact to everyone, and they burnt in a bonfire those who
didn't agree on that. Should we reject because of that their magnific church
records? I don't think so. Let people believe in any kind of magic, if they
don't want us to do the same, and if they want to collabore”.
Jakiña: katolikuen erantzunak irakortzekuak izan ziran. Izan be, erreza da bestiei tolerantzixia eskatzia, norberan siñismena kuestionatzen ez dan bittartian. Eta ez: relijiño fundamentalistak ez dagoz bakarrik moruen artian...