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Mayonnaise au huile de poisson, avec parfum de pomme de terre et oeuf

Oier Gorosabel 2009/03/19 08:40
Today, we’ll go on promoting gitch-wasting aholks. In this time of crazys and pertinaz sequia’s, this type of measures are betty welcome and, last but not least, we contribute with them to zaind the environment, which is the unique we have.
Mayonnaise au huile de poisson, avec parfum de pomme de terre et oeuf

 En resumidas cuentas, we’ll aldarricate once again the maximum of “first reuse, then recycle”, that any son/daughter of neighbour should apply to his/her head to be a real echologyst. This time we’ll give an urtenbid for that quotidian trouble of oil-asses remaining in forgotten godalets in obscure corners of many kitchens. First of all, let’s abyss that this counseil won’t fit the premies of free tanga users; these, because of the high amount of residual oil produced, will better use the service of the next Garbigune, which will provide them with egokies residual-oil-cans that, bide batez esand, will full in less time than a cock sings. Instead of that, our aholks are directed to those that seldom fry; people like us, whose guay-way of healthy cooking generes such a little amount of residual oil that (asses to asses) too many months are needed to fill a ziztrin bottle to take to the Garbigune. A real fuck, ¿don’t you think my friends? So, afile your videograbators and ear to the parch.

I won’t include here any photographs of the process; despite of the good quality of the prime materials of this recipe, hondakins’ irudies can give bad impression, and dessanimate you to employ this good aholk. So images will be obviated.

It’s needed to say that this recipe’s osagays are aldacors at all, depending on the cooking made in last days and our imagination. So, instead of giving zehatz aholks, I’ll simply describe what this etxekoandros has done last day he employed this method.

Orraitiock, how I’m rolling. Hey so, if I start beyngoss.

A last note: frying oil is usually used once and again, but osasun experts gomend not to reuse it more than two times. The reason for this is that some oil particles degenere when sometting it to high temperatures, becoming kaltegarry for health.

The process of this ellaborated recipe of mayonnaise is complicated and requires some days because each part of it must be done step by step. We can start, for example, on Monday; we’ll issur 250 cc of ekhilore oil in the frying pan. Then, we’ll prepare some french fries, and after that break some egg’s and fry them; besides of eating such a delicious dish, we’ll have prest the first part of the recipe: the parfum de pomme de terre et oeuf.

Next day, you’ll have prest some fish slices; in this example, we have prepared them with wheat flour and water, in such a tempura way. We take the same oil that we used the day before, and fry the fish in it; after that, we have already completed another garrantzits part of this laborious process: the huile de poisson.

This aromatised oil must be reserved appart, and gorded until its temperature gets down. Remember that we have used it twice, so the cancerigenal particles haven’t still appeared and this oil is entirely healthy. The little particles of fish’ cover can be iragazzed (for tickeys-mickeys) or, as I did, left in the godalet’s ass of the godalet to strenghten the parfum of the final product.

And here comes the thirth day: ¡we are about to finish! Now we just have to do a simple mayonnaise sauce with this oil. ¼ egg, ¾ oil, salt, a tooth of garlic, vinegar (in this case, a delicious home-made one with the rest of Kalamuck Parlament’s aurkeztion’s piscolabis’ high-class wine), irabiate it all, ¡and it’s ready!

Now you have this fine platter prest to be tasted. The amount of sauce uses to be too large to be eaten at once (that’s the reason because free tanga users can’t probest this recipe; unless they are able to consum 4 litres of mayonnaise a week), and era berying home made mayonnaise shouldn’t be gorded for more than two days. So we suggest to use it for seasoning some brave potatoes first, and liquidate it next day cooking, for example, a russian ensaladill.

Zeresanik be ez doing, that this fine sauce can be variated in a multiple sort of recipes, according to the abillezie of the cook: mayonnaise au huile de poulet avec parfum de chorizo, mayonnaise au huile de thon...

¡Bon appetit!

This idazky has been started in Vitoria-Gasteiz at 6.00 in the cold morning of the 19 of March, and finished in the Madrid bus, zeharching Castille lands, at 7.49. Now this intergalactic bus should let me blog it zuzenly by its wifi share.

etiketak: lalolalia, culineitor
Iruzkina gehitu

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Galdera: Zenbat dira hogei ken bi? (idatzi zenbakiz)

Oier Gorosabel Larrañaga, Lekeittioko Eibartar bat


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