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Ez da umiendako ipoiña, ez

Oier Gorosabel 2022/11/04 21:59
SWIFT, Jonathan. 1726. Viajes de Gulliver. Ed. Aguilar, Madrid 1962.
Ez da umiendako ipoiña, ez

Yahoo-ak burdittik tiraka, eta Houyhnhnm-ekin berbetan.

Neri be gertatu jatan: bertsiño sinplifikauak baiño ez ezagutu (Liliput, umiei zuzenduta) eta idazlan honi buruzko ideia guztiz aldrebesa euki. Sorpresa ona izan da, kritika zorrotza eta umore fin sarkastikua (Monty Pythonen aintzindarixa) biltzen daben liburua topatzia. Kontra, oin dala 300 urteko idazkeria -gaur egungo narraziño kodiguetatik urrin- eta zentsura batetik baiño gehixago pasau dan testua (Motte, Franco...); honek irakorketia pixkat luzatu dau (urte pare bat badira, irakortzen hasi nintzanetik), baiña merezi izan dau, horixe baietz.


Papalagixen estiluan, garai hartako gizartian kritikia egitteko erabiltzen dau, batez be goi-politika kontuetan. Liburua -oso modernua bere sasoirako, irakorri dotenez- zatika antolatuta dago, eta Gulliverrek bere biajietan topatzen dittuan kulturak, arlo diferentietan analogiak eginda "egurra" emoteko erabiltzen dittu: Liliputen, gataza relijiosuen karikatura bat dago; Brobdingnagko erraldoienian, armen erabillerari buruzko kritika morokua dago (arrarua, XVIII mendian gagozela kontuan hartuta!); lorden eta komunen ganberen ponpa eta burokrazixiari be beriak eta bi emoten detsaz. Laputa ugarte hegalarixan (frankistak onartu ez zeben izena, ediziño honetan "Laput" ipiñitta) erakunde akademikuen karikaturia egitten dau, ikergai absurduekin; haundikixak ezkutau nahi izaten dittuezen iragan illunak azaleratzen dittu; eta erregiekingo audientzixetan izaten dirazen umiliaziño zeremonia aboziñauak. Japonen, holandesen konturako txantxa nahikua dago (osorik ulertu ez dotena), eta "fumie" erritualan barri izatia oso interesgarrixa egin jata (kruzifijua zapaltzekua, nik ezagutzen ez nebana). Azkenik, yajuen eta juijinen lurraldian (francoist for "houyhnhnm" and "yahoo") sartzen da, gizakixak morroi eta zaldixak nagusi dirazen herrialdian. hamen, kritikiak bere gorena jotzen dau, Europako gerren era sistema legalan gaiñeko ikuspegi estralurtar interesantia emonda; eta azkenengo apologixan baten, sistema kolonialari kritika gordiña egitten detsa -Erresuma Batua kanpuan lagata, noski-. Forman leuna, baiña edukixan azido sulfurikua baiño korrosibuagua dan deskargo pasarte barregarri hau inglesez irakortzeko gogua emon destana, eta hamen dago:


"But I had another reason, which made me less forward to enlarge his majesty's dominions by my discoveries. To say the truth, I had conceived a few scruples with relation to the distributive justice of princes upon those occasions. For instance, a crew of pirates are driven by a storm they know not whither; at length a boy discovers land from the topmast; they go on shore to rob and plunder, they see a harmless people, are entertained with kindness; they give the country a new name; they take formal possession of it for their king; they set up a rotten plank, or a stone, for a memorial; they murder two or three dozen of the natives, bring away a couple more, by force, for a sample; return home, and get their pardon. Here commences a new dominion acquired with a title by divine right. Ships are sent with the first opportunity; the natives driven out or destroyed; their princes tortured to discover their gold; a free license given to all acts of inhumanity and lust, the earth reeking with the blood of its inhabitants: and this execrable crew of butchers, employed in so pious an expedition, is a modern colony, sent to convert and civilize an idolatrous and barbarous people!


But this description, I confess, does by no means affect the British nation, who may be an example to the whole world for their wisdom, care, and justice in planting colonies; their liberal endowments for the advancement of religion and learning; their choice of devout and able pastors to propagate Christianity; their caution in stocking their provinces with people of sober lives and conversations from this the mother kingdom; their strict regard to the distribution of justice, in supplying the civil administration through all their colonies with officers of the greatest abilities, utter strangers to corruption; and, to crown all, by sending the most vigilant and virtuous governors, who have no other views than the happiness of the people over whom they preside, and the honour of the king their master.


But as those countries which I have described do not appear to have any desire of being conquered and enslaved, murdered or driven out by colonies, nor abound either in gold, silver, sugar, or tobacco, I did humbly conceive, they were by no means proper objects of our zeal, our valour, or our interest. However, if those whom it more concerns think fit to be of another opinion, I am ready to depose, when I shall be lawfully called, that no European did ever visit those countries before me. I mean, if the inhabitants ought to be believed, unless a dispute may arise concerning the two Yahoos, said to have been seen many years ago upon a mountain in Houyhnhnmland".

Iruzkina gehitu

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Galdera: Idatzi zortzi zenbakiak erabiliz

Oier Gorosabel Larrañaga, Lekeittioko Eibartar bat


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