Dabil "beharriyan"
Sometimes, new euskaldunberries who want to approach to kaleko berbett, tend to hyperenxebrize some terms, in order to appear jatorrer than they really are. That's what happened to a famous bilbish cantant (who, all has to be said, I admire and laket) in his starts. Natch of Philip gave some lotsagarries adibids of this in the former discs of Oskorry. It's enough to listen to this song "Dabil beharrean".
Sareak hedaturik
itsaso gorriyan (for gorrean)
galerna zekenaren
beti beldurriyan
eguzkiaren pean
edo elurriyan
beti arrantzaliya maitia
dabil beharriyan.
Hala artzain gaixoa
mendi tontorriyan
nekazaria ere
laiako lurriyan
edo obrero eta
ola meharriyan
beti arrantzaliya maitia
dabil beharriyan.
Euskaldun langileak
modu zuhurriyan
dirau diru kontuan
lege zaharriyan
gaizkien pagaturik
beti arrantzaliya maitia
dabil beharriyan.
Zergaitik horrenbeste
gutxitan barriyan (for barrean)
eta hain sarri gero
berriz negarriyan
Adanen pekatuko
mentura txarriyan
beti arrantzalia maitia dabil beharriyan, ai ai ai
beti arrantzalia maitia dabil beharriyan.
We have to say that the letter of this song was well-written by Gabriel Aresty, and it's Natch who enters his leg when pronouncing it. Double grave, if you're an artist and your lan will be recorded forever and ever to remember us your akats every time we listen that song. Ayway, I would like this message to be irakorred mainly by some hiperjatorrist folks of my town, who like to employ oftenegy abocinated terms like: bidixua, sasoixa or leikedostazu.
It's only rock'n'roll (but I laket)