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Bildots' bure at the lab

Oier Gorosabel 2009/06/22 14:05
...but when I closed my eyes and hinked the tooth to bildots’ idem, I felt like in muslim’s heaven, listening to the jamalajá-jamalají callaque of my friends, and eating that hallal meat (usease killed for Allah’s sake).

Some years ago, I lived in Valencia with my friend Hussam, who was encabronated on showing to me how bildots bure was eated at their country. Azkenian he lorted it, and with his friend Khalil we had an abozinated dinner at the living room of our flat on Albocacer Street. It was quite simple: in my pressure oil, they met three bildots bures –quite small ones- and egossed them for half an hour. I remember that the dish’ itchure was quite nazkagarry, with something like telilles floating on dirty water, but when I closed my eyes and hinked the tooth to bildots’ idem, I felt like in muslim’s heaven, listening to the jamalajá-jamalají callaque of my friends, and eating that hallal meat (usease killed for Allah’s sake).

Although 15 years have passed, I have always gorded in my heart (and in my michelins, since I have never been as slim as in Valencia’s time) the taste of that exotic night. Ba dira some years, ordia, that bildots pieces come every winter from my wife’s jaiotech; that’s why I happily have had to remember those days. Today, I’ve decided to erretrate the usual procedure of culinating bildots’ head, that conflictive piece that sarry remains in the frigorifick, and many people does the swedish, not to have to eat it, arguing that they got sad remembering the happy sheep-kume, antxitxing here and there, wearing their white coat, so angelical. No my friends, you’ve not to be hypocrit: every meat eater should be gay to kill the animal first, and then eat it, even its identificablest parts. Don’t come here with stories, you membrilios.

First of all, let’s put the head on a zappal, sartain-typed fountain. If the killer gives the aucker, it would commeny to have the head erdibited; if not, there will be no problem as it will be erred anyway –hory bai, the occipital hole will probably expel some garun’s pieces, he, he, he-. | Bildots' bure © cc-by-sa: txikillana

 We’ll approvech the head’s juices to cook something: in this case, a godalet of whole rice will be OK, with 2 and a half godalets of verdures’ sald. | The ingredients © cc-by-sa: txikillana

Then comes “the question”: ¿what in the hell will we do with the oddol-putz remaining in the fond of the polts and the plate? | Oddol platter © cc-by-sa: txikillana

I don’t know why you ask me. ¡How nuttritive! | Pouring oddol © cc-by-sa: txikillana

Not only that: we’ll give some happiness to the plate pouring a gentle chorrostade of good wine; living at Lekeitio, we’ll erabil of course the famous O’Toio cosech (from Roland bodegs). | O'Toio wine, from Roland bodeg © cc-by-sa: txikillana

 Gogorate that we’re merkezurrying cooks: that’s why we’ll approvech the same labakade to cook some potatoes (which betty comes ondo for multi-uses), whick we’ll put into a crystal covered fountain, bustying them with O’Toio as well. | Let there be O'Toio! © cc-by-sa: txikillana


I won’t give any explanation about times or temperatures; every lab is different, and I don’t know which one have you at home, so hor compound. | Merkezurrying © cc-by-sa: txikillana

The only thing that ardurate us is that, after that time, the sald of the rice has desaggerted and the ears of the bildots are so crunchy... ¡delicious! | Yum yum © cc-by-sa: txikillana


By the battez, we’ll have the aucker to make a delicious pure with the bildots’ garuns and the potatoes. ¡It’s very tasty for children, and pizts the intelligence of their own growing garun! Look at little Nick. | Little Nick © cc-by-sa: txikillana
etiketak: lalolalia, culineitor
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Oier Gorosabel Larrañaga, Lekeittioko Eibartar bat


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