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All that stuff

Oier Gorosabel 2012/01/25 16:38
May the Ent Vasc of Energy listen to my plea, and use their itchuria abbundant dirue –according to the amount of their publicity campaigns- to hezzy the New Gaztery in this appasionant gay of the New Energy Aroe.

Hi, dear lagguns. In this say,we’ll going to explain how can we cuddeate right all the stuff, berdin in our workplaces nahiz at home. In anchiñack times, it was usual to have only one stuff per family; and sometimes hory bez, as old times’ economic sue still remained (or bass sue, in some bassarries). Any of these systems had a funny characteristic: as Felix Harriet very well explained in his campechain memories, you ought to auckerate between heating your bottom or your front; never both...

 But those tercermundist times went away. Now we live in Errebal Center Age, and life quality is the iparorratz of everybody’s bizitch. That’s why we fight for our right to have central calefaction, which means to have a stuff per room. But, wait a minute, that means we all should know what a termostate is, and I’m afraid that non everybody does.

 Look at your ingure: ¿what do you pents when you see that pill of stuff heating the street in the terracitaes of the taverns? Right, it’s an echological zorockery. Well, this has no much to do with the main gay of this mensage, but what the Christ, I had to say it as both critics aim to the same point.

 To the thread: many people (preferentement gazt one, I mean, those who don’t pay the Iberdrol facture every two hills) do think that termostate is the nagusy switch of the stuff. They only employ them in two positions: minimum (stuff off) or maximum (stuff on). It’s ridiculous: I have galded the count of how many times I have explained to my young workmates the functionament of the stuffs’ termostates: that you can fix the chirimbowl in your favorite temperature, in order that the stuff backar-backarrick ixots and emmets when the temperature gets down from or over the marked temperature, and so on... It sweats their poll (talking bad and early): the lantocky goes in like a fucking sauna, with a never-reaching temperature fixed in the termostate.

 Of course, I don’t even think on the aucker of telling them to pull over the jertsey. Damn not! That kind of bullying could bring me to serious gattazcaes with Trade Unions and Laburo Magistrature, those bildurgarry instances where employers have always “pressumption of guilt” (as I had tasted before).

 I don’t know if this patalett message can value for anything, but i argitarate it here anyway. May the Ent Vasc of Energy listen to my plea, and use their itchuria abbundant dirue –according to the amount of their publicity campaigns- to hezzy the New Gaztery in this appasionant gay of the New Energy Aroe: the mysterious Termostate Affaire.

This I. de la Mata argazky showz ezinhobett the new tendence: why pull over the jersey when you can take out the stuff with you?

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Oier Gorosabel Larrañaga, Lekeittioko Eibartar bat


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