The Emirate of Eibar
The past two years, I had the chance to assist to the geo week in Silicon Valley, centered around Where 2.0. Not there, this year. Other plans stuck me at home, in Eibar. So, with envy but curiosity, I'll follow the events thru reports in blogs. Today's news that Yahoo launches a new Geo-API very similar to the Geonames webservices has attracted my interest. I'm more inclined towards the openness of Geonames, but, it's too early to be severe with Yahoo. However, after looking for Eibar, where I'm now, the where-on-earth-ID of my hometown places it in an Emirate (WTF?!)
One thing that I would like to be added to this Yahoo! Internet Location Platform is reverse geocoding. A query with latitude and longitude that would return the closest WOEID items, or show the bounding boxes to which that point pertains.