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All Your Basque Are Belong To Umap

Luistxo Fernandez 2010/10/28 10:22
It's a Twitter aggregator with language-detection. The Basque experience could, should be exported.

 Umap is a Twitter-based product developed by CodeSyntax, our little company. It collects and processes all the tweets (or at least most of them) in a certain language.

We have just tried it with Basque language, but we hope that some other languages will be coming soon. You can see the Umap's Basque version at The app works with some automatic processes:

  • A method to detect Basque speaker Twitter users.
  • Detect all the tweets of those users and distinguish the Basque tweets of those users.
  • Extract trends. and other data, for instance langauge-usage stats of the users being tracked.

Some more info in the company's English-language blog.

We hope to launch other Umap versions. Some languages and countries do have commercial possibilities, obviously. However, being Basques, we know minority languages first-hand, and commercial approaches are probably not practical for others in our situation.

We think that above 500 hundred original Twitter users, and not all of them using the language all the time, but with occasional users among them, it will work fine for a given community. The release of something like Umap could atract more users, and usage of Twitter is also expected to grow.

It would be nice to contact with some citizen association / media organisation / language promotion board / administration body that may want to make use of this tool, rigth now, in the most affordable way, with prospects for continuity and with the safe assumption that it will have a great impact in language use in the most cutting-edge of the communication realms, that of the Realtime Internet. Follow or DM Luistxo on Twitter if you're interested.

Plus: Umap looks great on an Apple © iPad | Umap Ipad batean © cc-by-sa: codesyntax

Gareth Jones
Gareth Jones dio:
2010/10/29 16:49

As founder of the Welsh Technology blog I can see great potential in this. It would be great to have a Welsh language version so that, as Rhys says, we could see what's trending in our language rather than another.

As I said, the potential for this software is huge, keep up the great work.

Rhys dio:
2010/10/28 17:52

Initially, I couldn't see the attraction. Signal to noise on things like Twitter can be poor, so I'd rather follow 1 person who tweets interesting stuff in English than 500 tweeting about rubbish in Welsh :-)

But the possibility to see what is trending in a specific language is very interesting - I've no interest in American Baseball series' or UK reality TV! I'm currently using (and localising) the Catalan built Splitweet to read tweets and follow keywords (the call them Brands), but it's amazing how many non-Welsh speakers use Caerdydd (not Cardiff) in their tweets.

The only Welsh commercial customer I can think of right now is on-line newspaper . Following a (bad, bad launch), its got better and on their blog they've tried to embrace Web2.0 and included a plug-in to show tweets by Twitters who have tweeted in Welsh in the past. Sadly, one any give day, I'd say 75%+ of tweets that appear through the plug-in appear in English. Another selling point with the ability to detect trends would be that they could see what the public are tweeting. Can you embedd from umap onto 3rd party sites?

On the Code Syntax blog post you've linked to, twitt appears twice in the taxt instead of tweet/tweets which you might want to correct.

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Luistxo works in CodeSyntax, tweets as @Luistxo and tries to manage the automated newssite Niagarank. This Cemetery is part of a distributed multilingual blog (?!). These are the Basque and Spanish versions:

Ingelesen hilerria

El cementerio de los ingleses


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