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The English Cemetery mentioned in The Financial Times

Luistxo Fernandez 2005/06/02 07:04

The English Cemetery gets a mention at The Financial Times! Well, not this blog, but the real cemetery...

Kieran Cooke wrote one of those lifestyle chronicles that appear at dailies for the weekend, on Friday, May 13th... Titled On the trail of Basque delights this Kieran has some romantic viewpoints about the Basques. Like everybody, he falls in love with Donostia the city (San Sebastian) and, this is stranger, he mentions the Cemetery:

There is a British cemetery: Colonel Tupper ended his days in the mid 19th century fighting in Basque country. Not a bad place to finish up: it was in those times that San Sebastian became fashionable among Europe's aristocracy.

I'm not sure about the timing. That fashionable era came later than the wars that buried englishmen at the Cemetery. However, thanks Kieran for spotting this little corner of the world.

Got this news from Txikilike-Blex, a Basque-american blogger. The FT article requires registration but Txikilike pasted the whole text here.

On a related note, The English Cemetery (the blog, in this case), got also a mention at the New York weekly The Jewish Week. It was because of my post about the Basque lullaby copied in Israel.

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Luistxo works in CodeSyntax, tweets as @Luistxo and tries to manage the automated newssite Niagarank. This Cemetery is part of a distributed multilingual blog (?!). These are the Basque and Spanish versions:

Ingelesen hilerria

El cementerio de los ingleses


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