DURL: who bookmarks what
Robin, a bilingual blogger, has invented DURL. You enter a url to retrieve information about people who delicious'ed it. For instance, tools.waglo.com/durl/http://www.ysearchblog.com/ and the result page has its own RSS, so you can track who bookmarks what at del.icio.us
Excellent idea!
One addition that I think could expand the capabilities of DURL or of the URL features of del.icio.us would be this: URL listings and RSS feeds by partial URLs.
I mean: Now DURL or del.icio.us offer information about a precise URL:
But I would like an extended feature like:
or /durl_extended/http://www.ysearchblog.com/
That would list delicious'ed references to all URL's include that include that domain, for instance if anyone referenced to this or to this one
Such a tool would certainly enhance the ego of bloggers like me, that would immediatly subscribe to a feed from /durl_extended/http://www.eibar.org/blogak/luistxo/ to see who bookmarks which entry (and every entry) of my blog...
Of course, durl_extended should not substitute the actual DURL: it would be a different RSS feed the one provided by:
(bookmarks referring to that URL alone)
and the one by:
(bookmarks referring to all subdirectories or else)