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AEB eta Mexiko

Markos Zapiain 2017/03/04 13:05
Woody Guthrie-ren Deportees

Bob Dylan eta Joan Baezen bertsioa, 9:00-12:45. Joan Baezen aita Mexikoko Pueblan jaio zen.

The crops are all in and the peaches are rott'ning,
The oranges piled in their creosote dumps;
They're flying 'em back to the Mexican border
To pay all their money to wade back again

Goodbye to my Juan, goodbye, Rosalita,
Adios mis amigos, Jesus y Maria;
You won't have your names when you ride the big airplane,
All they will call you will be "deportees"

My father's own father, he waded that river,
They took all the money he made in his life;
My brothers and sisters come working the fruit trees,
And they rode the truck till they took down and died.

Some of us are illegal, and some are not wanted,
Our work contract's out and we have to move on;
Six hundred miles to that Mexican border,
They chase us like outlaws, like rustlers, like thieves.

We died in your hills, we died in your deserts,
We died in your valleys and died on your plains.
We died 'neath your trees and we died in your bushes,
Both sides of the river, we died just the same.

The sky plane caught fire over Los Gatos Canyon,
A fireball of lightning, and shook all our hills,
Who are all these friends, all scattered like dry leaves? 
The radio says, "They are just deportees"

Is this the best way we can grow our big orchards? 
Is this the best way we can grow our good fruit? 
To fall like dry leaves to rot on my topsoil
And be called by no name except "deportees"?


Xaun dio:
2017/04/26 15:28
Kaixo Markos,

Irlandan ibilki edota han bizi nintzelarik, maiz entzuten nuen 'Deportees' kantua ('Plane Crash at Los Gatos' izenarekin ere ezaguna). Kasete eta CDetan, eta batzuetan baita zuzeneko emanaldietan ere, musikari ezberdinen eskutik.

Irlandako hainbat musikari eta talde ezagunek bertsioa egin eta argitaratzeaz gain, zuzenean ere eskaini izan dute, horien artean Christy Moore ( ), Paddy Reilly, The Wolfe Tones eta John Close.

Kantu ederra bezain tristea.

Besarkada bat Bidasoaren bokaletik.

Xaun dio:
2017/04/26 15:30
Mezuen editorerik ez, eta ezin zuzendu oraintxe bidalitako mezuaren bigarren paragrafo nagusian ergatiboari egindako itsusikeria.
Markos Zapiain
Markos Zapiain dio:
2017/04/26 19:49
Xaun, ba nik ere ezin dut zure erantzuna aldatu. Zein da kontua, Close beharrean Closek jartzea? Ez da horrenbesterako, ia ez da sumatzen. Dena den, beranduago berriro saiatuko naiz, ea alabaren batek dakien. Beste besarkada bat zuri Dibertsifikazio-gelako ordenagailutik.
Iruzkina gehitu

Erantzuna formulario hau betez utzi dezakezu. Formatua testu arruntarena da. Web eta e-posta helbideak automatikoki klikagarri agertuko dira.

Galdera: Zenbat dira hogei ken bi? (idatzi zenbakiz)

Markos Zapiain

1963an jaio nintzen. Markos Zapiain naiz ia beti. Baina ez zidaten soldaduzka egiten utzi, nortasun bikoitza dela eta. Batzutan Pelipe pizten da ene baitan. Pozik ibiltzen da oro har Pelipe. Baina haserretzen denean, kontuz.