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Impossible suitcases flying over Hackney

mzap 2005/10/19 15:09

I have a friend, Beñardo Elduaien, who lives in Hackney, London, a mythical place for Basque literature fans (Paper airplanes, Impossible suitcases...)

Beñardo has often tried giving up smoking; he has recently achieved it.

As a result, he now moves very quickly and needs to be occupied. For example, he has begun going to Basque classes, in order to relearn his half forgotten mother language.

He's astonished at the variety of his classmates: one girl of Somalian origin, with a lovely flash everytime she smiles, who has been in San Sebastian twice during the Film Festival and feels uneasy when she ignores the language of the town which she visits; an 80 year old English polyglot who knows really a lot about our language and now wants to speak it as fluently as possible; a doctor in English Literature who has friends in Gasteiz and feels ashamed because every time he is with his friends they are forced to speak Spanish; and so on. They all are very interested in Basque literature.

The fact of the matter is that we have to make good use of Beñardo's present hyperactivity in order to organize there, in London, a Congress on recent Basque literature, particularly the one located in Hackney but also the other stuff, before Beñardo has a regression, takes up smoking again and returns to cigarettes and calm.

The problem is that in Hackney during wintertime your breath freezes in the air, the thermometer creeps up to about ten below.

Perhaps we should wait until springtime or summertime. In this way, we could in the meantime translate our minds and ideas into English and put our hopes in Beñardo's amazing abilities.

etiketak: bermeo
markos zapiain
markos zapiain dio:
2005/11/24 02:19

ba gu astelehenean itzuliko gara

etorriko bazina, deitu gure bazun

beste kontu bat: bob dylanen kontzertua graba dot, Brixtonen emon dau auntxek

galdera, markel, zalantza; nik nire e-mando-ko "incoming"en jarriko banu eta lagunei abisatu zein izenburu ipini diodan, beraien e-muleren bidez jaitsi lezakete?

anasintxa dio:
2005/11/23 11:28

Beñarden etxera al zoaz? Bertan eman behar duzu hitzaldia ezta? Etxean ez noski, "College"an. Ni Londoneko alde Punkyra joatekoa naiz, argazkiak ateratzera batez ere.

markos zapiain
markos zapiain dio:
2005/10/24 23:29

maite, baduzu garaia Kellogs gainditu eta Muesli gosaltzeko; lehengoan my wifek "crujiente Muesli con frutos secos" ekarri zuen, grano-vita-koa, eta horren aldean Kellogsak heldugabeak eta gordinak egiten zaizkit

on egin eta ea larunbatean dena ondo ateratzen zaizuen

maite dio:
2005/10/20 19:03

Hello Marcos: I know that place. I stood there to many year ago. twenty more o less. In Hackney camping exactly. Perhaps your friend Know where is it. It was the first time that I went to London. Then I learned to ate Kellogs to had a breakfast. In Basque Country's supermarket there wans't still. Around my town match no. I hope you will understand my inprovisation words. My english isnt good.´ Best regards to your wife. Have a good day

Iruzkina gehitu

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Markos Zapiain

1963an jaio nintzen. Markos Zapiain naiz ia beti. Baina ez zidaten soldaduzka egiten utzi, nortasun bikoitza dela eta. Batzutan Pelipe pizten da ene baitan. Pozik ibiltzen da oro har Pelipe. Baina haserretzen denean, kontuz.